
`snp_unphased` and `snp_phased_ancestry` revamp

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  • nnm(j) to return number of non-missing values for each column.
  • imputed_value(j) to return imputed value for each column.
  • write should take in impute method.
  • modify docs
  • benchmark compute_column_mean, compute_nnm, compute_nnz.
  • document that negative entries will be saved as some implementation-defined negative value, so to_dense may not recover the exact negative value from before.
  • redo representation slightly for better cache
  • smart cov calculation with optimization for when i == j case.
  • change order of operation for muls to be category then columns.
  • check calldata only contains 0/1 (no missing values!) and ancestries has values [0, A).