
Does not declare any runtime dependencies

robross0606 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This project only declares devDependencies which is not really accurate. devDependencies are not transitory which means there is not currently any declared version compatibility limitation with respect to Jest and this project when used together in another project. However, this project breaks with jest and jest-jasmine2 ^28:

    Cannot find module 'expect/build/jasmineUtils' from 'node_modules/expect-more-jest/dist/to-be-array-of.js'

    Require stack:

      at Resolver._throwModNotFoundError (node_modules/jest-runtime/node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:491:11)
      at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/expect-more-jest/dist/to-be-array-of.js:5:22)

Suggested Solution

This project should be declaring regular runtime dependencies or peer dependencies for any version requirements it needs to run. Otherwise, users of this library are not alerted that this library even requires jest let alone that it only works with certain versions.

good spot, thanks ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Thanks @robross0606, the expect/build/jasmineUtils issue should hopefully now be fixed in expect-more-jest@5.4.1.

On dependencies, expect-more-jest defines its runtime dependencies at:

"dependencies": {
"@jest/expect-utils": "28.1.0",
"expect-more": "1.2.0",
"jest-matcher-utils": "28.1.0"

Something I'm not completely sure about that you can maybe help with โ€“ the package being depended on was expect rather than jest and that was defined in dependencies โ€“ but it still broke. jest depends on this too and maybe it won out(?) I'm not entirely sure.

Diff: 3ebb252#diff-7d360743c6462dda3f5045aae1eb86d4a140e9f709033fa04fab9d4a980547da

I'd have to compare the versions of jest too to be sure. The real question is whether your true dependency was on expect or was on expect-utils. If you make calls that rely on a specific version of expect-utils then you need to declare that, regardless of whether you're declaring expect too. It is entirely possible that expect-utils could make a breaking change to their API while still using the same version of expect. I'm not well versed enough in how jest sets up all its packages to know for sure how the transitive dependencies were shaking out.

I think this can be closed.