
error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

adarsh123456789 opened this issue · 10 comments

I was getting this error while I was using python3.7, now using python2.7 and getting the same error. I have tried few solutions but none of them seems to work.
I have tried out almost every solution listed in the below link;

I have made changes to few things in the file setup.py, like I have added the extension .cc after 'nnet3-copy' and 'copy-matrix'

nnet_copy_binary = os.path.join(KALDI_ROOT_PATH, 'src', 'nnet3bin', 'nnet3-copy.cc')
if not os.path.isfile(nnet_copy_binary):
raise ValueError('nnet3-copy binary not found in {}.'.format(os.path.dirname(nnet_copy_binary)))
copy_matrix_binary = os.path.join(KALDI_ROOT_PATH, 'src', 'bin', 'copy-matrix.cc')
if not os.path.isfile(copy_matrix_binary):
raise ValueError('copy-matrix binary not found in {}.'.format(os.path.dirname(copy_matrix_binary)))

I'm attaching the modified setup.py file in .txt format for better reference.


do you have Kaldi installed? Try to use new master, I just meged it.

Yeah I had Kaldi installed in the 1st place. thanks, the new master code worked for the setup.

As of now I'm facing a different issue, i.e.

onnxruntime was not being identified as a module so I tried installing onnx which again raises an issue

pip install onnxruntime worked?

no it doesn't !

you are probably running python2.7, try with python3.6

For the time being, I am trying the onnx installation using conda:
conda install -c conda-forge onnx

if this still doesn't work then I will try with python 3.6

As of now I'm using python 3.7.1
And I'm facing the below error when I'm trying to run the examples/diarization.py

and here is the potential line 73

a solution on the internet suggests something like below, which I'm having a hard time understanding:

Having the above error when trying in python 3.6 too.
the command i"m using to run the examples/diarization.py is given below:

python examples/diarization.py -l examples/lists/AMI_dev-eval.scp -c configs/vbdiar.yml -m diarization --audio-dir wav/AMI/IHM_SUM --vad-dir vad/AMI --out-emb-dir emb/AMI/IHM_SUM --in-rttm-dir rttms/AMI
I'm doubtful, maybe I'm missing something really very silly while running the above.

First of all, the command used above assumes, that you have AMI database downloaded and in the correct format - unfortunately, I am not able to redistribute this database.
A good start would be to run example audios in example/ folder - there are wave files and VAD.

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