
Doesn't work

microSoftware opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I installed the package and modified the _config.yml as instructed in your readme
But I can't modify the language of my post/page in the post editor.

Is there something else I need to do?

Thank you

You can add the 2nd/3rd... language dir under source dir, then new the page under the dir. After that, change the site language to 2nd/3rd... language, you'll see the assigned language page.

The demo you can visit my blog https://www.ieclipse.cn
The source of demo you can visit https://github.com/Jamling/hexo-site

@Jamling I've modified the _config.yml like your and I added the folder in source. But still, when I'm in the post/page edit, I can't set the lang of the article in the post setting. I have only the default fields. See:
Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 14 03 26

Note: The post content will not translated to another language.
I am not understand which when I'm in the post/page edit means, you can run your site by $ hexo s, then open the to test.

no worries. I will create another standalone Hexo blog for the other language. It will be easier this way. Thanks for your help.