
Any plans on twig 3?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

momon commented

I found this to be very useful for a project I am working on, sadly it does not run on Twig v3. Are there any plans to make it compatible?

JanDC commented

Hi @momon,

I'm sorry, this project is no longer actively maintained. I could release a beta version with bumped requirements for you. But it would be highly untested/buggy.

momon commented

Hi @momon,

I'm sorry, this project is no longer actively maintained. I could release a beta version with bumped requirements for you. But it would be highly untested/buggy.

I appreciate the prompt reply. Thanks a lot!

I would be happy to evaluate the beta version even if it isn't being maintained anymore as it could (to some extent) extend the lifetime of the project (at least for my use case).

So if that's something you are able to accommodate to I would appreciate it.

I would really appreciate it if you could bump all the twig requirements to v3.x Cheers 👍