
Support for dev environment

Closed this issue · 2 comments

can we have a setting for multiple environments such as dev, production etc?

So you want to switch global config based on an environment? How would you define your environment in your code? Care to share a example (so I know what your asking for specifically?)

Well I have a constant in my angular module which goes something like this

(function () {
    'use strict';
        .module('myapp', modules)
        .constant('environment', my_env)
        .config(['growlProvider', '$httpProvider', growler])

I think just on the http interceptor would be fine though.

Well I guess you could just do something like this

(function () {
        .module('myapp', modules)
        .constant('environment', my_env)
        .config(['growlProvider', '$httpProvider', 'environment', growler])
 function growler (growlProvider, $httpProvider, environment) {
   if (environment === 'dev'){
      $httpProvider.interceptors.push(['$q','growl', '$rootScope', '$interpolate', '$filter', interceptor]);

so nevermind. Thanks for the hardwork.