ui router link inside growl
hugsbrugs opened this issue · 1 comments
hugsbrugs commented
Hi there,
I'am trying to insert a ui-router link inside my growl message :
in my translation file I have :
"LOGIN_BEFORE_SUBSCRIBE" : "You must create your account (or <a ui-sref=\"{app.root.locale.home.loginmail}\">login</a>) before you can subscribe (we need to know if you are an individual or a company and from which country to know if we have to charge you VAT or not ... )",
and in my controller :
growl.info($translate('LOGIN_BEFORE_SUBSCRIBE'), {referenceId:25, ttl:-1, disableCloseButton: true});
But link is not active. So I've tried :
"LOGIN_BEFORE_SUBSCRIBE" : "You must create your account (or {{login_link}}) before you can subscribe (we need to know if you are an individual or a company and from which country to know if we have to chage you VAT or not ... )",
growl.info($translate('LOGIN_BEFORE_SUBSCRIBE', { login_link: '<a ui-sref="{app.root.locale.home.loginmail}">login</a>' }), {referenceId:25, ttl:-1, disableCloseButton: true});
But then link is displayed as plain text ! I'm sure I'm missing something about interpolation but I can't figure out what ! Any suggestion and help appreciated ! Thanks
novarac23 commented
I have the same problem here. Would be interesting to see how it happens.