
How to connect node channel when developing with iOS native ?

glink25 opened this issue · 0 comments

I see there are plugins for RN and Cordova to send messages from these Frameworks to node channel, but it hard for me to find out how does it work since I didn't know c++ well and there are no specific api documents.
I followed the nodejs-mobile-samples and switch it from UIKit to SwiftUI, it works well with the node mobile framework, but when I want to deal with some app behaviors such as pause Node process on 'applicationDidEnterBackground' or resume on 'applicationWillEnterForeground' lifecycles, I have no I idea where I can find these methods to activate with Node process, there is only one node_start methods I can find.
How can I use those apis just like Cordova plugin uses when I was using native method to develop app?