
Give Conductor a way to update its config file data

taylorlm88 opened this issue · 1 comments

Right now, if the config file is changed manually while the Conductor is open, the Conductor has no way to detect the change. It loads the data from the config file when it is opened. If the config file is changed after it's opened, it must be closed and re-opened in order for the change to be reflected in the Conductor.

This could be solved easily by providing a button on the Conductor called "Update Configuration" that reloads the config file when pressed. A more difficult but less cluttered solution would be to have the Conductor detect when the config file is changed and update itself automatically, but this may take more work than it is worth.

Completed with commit 6869a00

The file menu on the Conductor now has a second button called "Update Config File." If you have to change the configuration file manually after opening it, just push this button and it will update the Conductor.