
First Analog Input channel - Priority 4

taylorlm88 opened this issue · 5 comments

Summary: Return Frame Position on channel 1 instead of LmR.

Description: Currently, when we activate all four analog input channels to stream back data while the screen is running, we get back the following data:

channel 1 - LmR
channel 2 - Left wing
channel 3 - Right wing
channel 4 - Wing beat frequency

Would it be possible to change channel 1 so instead of LmR, it returns the frame position data being logged in Log.Frames.Position? Receiving LmR data here is a bit redundant, since we have the left and right wing data separately, and we could use the frame position data in real time.

Feedback received via email:

For this request, you have two positions (X Y) that are 16 bit, but only one channel to put those values in. This could work if I make the upper 8 bits X and lower 8 bits Y, but only if there are less than 256 positions for each.

it would be sufficient to get the X position of the frame.

Are you referring to ADC0 when you say channel 1?

Yes! ADC0

Received via email (as a description for v240):

Build with x position logging for ADC0 ch.

G4 Host v240