
Avoid Controller Zombie

floesche opened this issue · 2 comments

Today an arena was working in closed loop mode while the G4 Host.exe application was not running. That didn't allow any kind of interaction with the arena.

Today, an unprivileged Windows user started the G4 Host.exe through Panel_com (the MATLAB wrapper) but the GUI never appeared on screen while the experiment started working in closed loop. Interestingly there was no instance of G4 Host.exe in the Windows task list, also no other application or thread that seemed to be associated with the Main Host. The Port 62222 was still in use.

When G4 Host.exe was manually started again it showed the following error and port 62222 was not used anymore. Consequently Panel_com threw an TCP connect error. After closing the G4 Host.exe GUI and starting it again, everything worked as expected.


Is it possible that G4 Host.exe was initially still running under another user account? That would explain why we didn't see the GUI although the interaction with the controller was functional.

Would I then see the process of the other user in the tasklist?

Why would re-running the G4 Host.exe as the unprivileged user solve this problem? If the application was still running under another account that shouldn't stop a process from the other user?

This can be fixed with a restart of the system. Furthermore it is not relevant for everyday usage of the system. Finally, this should be fixed for the new PanelsController based approach.