
Error when trying to save a protcol

floesche opened this issue · 1 comments

Output argument "frame_rate" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with
"G4_designer_controller/get_preview_parameters" function.

Error in G4_designer_controller/preview_selection (line 1413)
                [frame_rate, dur, patfield, posfield, aofield, file_type] = get_preview_parameters(self, is_table);

Error in G4_designer_controller>@(varargin)self.preview_selection(varargin{:}) (line 286)
                .09, .24],'Callback', @self.preview_selection);
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

Error in G4_designer_controller/get_filter_string (line 2881)
            answer = answer{1};

Error in G4_designer_controller/import (line 1115)
               str_to_match = self.get_filter_string();

Error in G4_designer_controller>@(varargin)self.import(varargin{:}) (line 358)
            uimenu(menu, 'Text', 'Import', 'Callback', @self.import);
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

ans =


Unrecognized field name "arena_pitch".

Error in G4_document/export (line 1225)
                    newcurrentExp.pattern.arena_pitch(j) = self.Patterns.(field).pattern.param.arena_pitch;

Error in G4_document/saveas (line 1312)
            export_successful = self.export();% 0 - export was unable to complete 1- export completed successfully 2-user canceled and export not attempted

Error in G4_designer_controller/saveas (line 1232)
            self.doc.saveas(full_path, prog);

Error in G4_designer_controller>@(varargin)self.saveas(varargin{:}) (line 373)
            uimenu(menu, 'Text', 'Save as', 'Callback', @self.saveas);
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.

Sorry, duplicate of #88