
Error in importing Kilosort2 results

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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If you found a bug, please provide all of the following:

Output of jrc version

JRCLUST v4.0.1 "Edward" (313b6f3)

Output of gpuDevice (if you're seeing a GPU error)

The command you used

jrc import-ksort 'phy output directory'

If manually sorting, what it is you tried to do

Console output

2020-05-18 21:34:36 Finished computing cluster mean waveforms (took 24.57 s)
2020-05-18 21:34:36 Computing waveform correlation...
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ...
connected to 10 workers.
Warning: computeWaveformSim: parfor failed

In jrclust.interfaces.Clustering/computeWaveformSim (line 91)
In jrclust.interfaces.Clustering/updateWaveforms (line 8)
In jrclust.interfaces.Clustering/commit (line 80)
In jrclust.sort.TemplateClustering/commit (line 4)
In jrclust.sort.TemplateClustering (line 38)
In jrclust.import.kilosort (line 243)
In JRC/processArgs (line 149)
In JRC (line 54)
In jrc (line 16)
BLAS loading error:
mkl_custom.dll: The specified module could not be found.

Error in cov (line 155)
c = (xc' * xc) ./ denom;

Error in corrcoef>correl (line 181)
r = cov(x);

Error in corrcoef (line 86)
r = correl(x);

Error in unitWaveformSim>shiftPearson (line 150)
r = corrcoef(vX(:), vY(:)); % TODO: get p-values?

Error in unitWaveformSim>maxCorPearson (line 86)
maxCor = max(shiftPearson(iWaveforms{1}, jWaveforms{1}, shifts1, shifts2));

Error in unitWaveformSim (line 73)
unitSims(jCluster) = maxCorPearson(iWaveforms_, jWaveforms_, cviShift1,
cviShift2, fMode_cor);

Error in jrclust.interfaces.Clustering/computeWaveformSim (line 98)
pwCor = unitWaveformSim(meanWfSet, clusterSites_, obj.hCfg, scoreData,

Error in jrclust.interfaces.Clustering/updateWaveforms (line 8)

Error in jrclust.interfaces.Clustering/commit (line 80)

Error in jrclust.sort.TemplateClustering/commit (line 4)
success = commit@jrclust.interfaces.Clustering(obj, spikeClusters, metadata, msg);

Error in jrclust.sort.TemplateClustering (line 38)
obj.commit(obj.spikeClusters, struct(), 'initial commit');

Error in jrclust.import.kilosort (line 243)
hClust = jrclust.sort.TemplateClustering(hCfg, sRes, dRes);

Error in JRC/processArgs (line 149)
[hCfg_, res_] = jrclust.import.kilosort(obj.args{:});

Error in JRC (line 54)

Error in jrc (line 16)
hJRC = JRC(varargin{:});

Specific to my install.