
[chromium] build fail

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Built the docker image, but then couldn't build chromium. Looks like there's a version mismatch.

Hi @unicomp21, thanks a lot for reporting this issue! Could you please indicate the steps you took, and the exact error you got?

Chromium build is currently disabled because it takes very long, but it is supposed to work, so if you found a problem we should fix it.

I've got this:

ninja: Entering directory `out/Default'
ninja: fatal: ninja version (1.5.1) incompatible with build file ninja_required_version version (1.7.2).

Maybe that's the same error you saw? Anyway, I'll fix it.

So Ninja as installed with sudo apt-get install ninja-build on our Ubuntu 16.04 ubuntu-dev.dockerfile is too old (like most other developer packages on Ubuntu... sigh).

We should install a more recent Ninja, maybe following https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/blob/master/HACKING.md (I need to find out how/where to install the binary and docs. EDIT: Also bash completions and the likes, as seen in /misc).

Should hopefully be fixed by a675a0e.

(The deployment to Docker Hub of the potentially fixed images is currently blocked by rust-lang/rust-clippy#2073. Please stay tuned.)

Fixed by a675a0e and successfully deployed to https://janitor.technology!