Seafile Server Docker image

Seafile docker image based on Debian

Seafile is an open source storage system which can be self hosting for more privacy


  • Auto configuration on first run, based on the manual setup described in the official documentation
  • Auto import previous installation, including non docker installation
  • Support FASTCGI mode
  • Upgrade Seafile with one simple command

Supported tags

Tags of this image follow Seafile version:

  • latest - Development build based on the latest Seafile version
  • 6.1.1 - Seafile server 6.1.1
  • 6.0.7 - Seafile server 6.0.7

Detailed Configuration

  • Ports

    • 8000 (seafile port)
    • 8082 (seahub port)
  • Volume

    • This image exposes only one volume

      • version 6.0.7 -> /home/seafile/
      • from version 6.1.1 -> /seafile
    • Directory Structure

            ├── ccnet
            │   └── seafile.ini
            ├── conf
            │   ├── ccnet.conf
            │   ├── seafdav.conf
            │   ├── seafile.conf
            │   ├──
            │   └── seahub_settings.pyc
            ├── logs
            │   ├── ccnet.log
            │   ├── controller.log
            │   ├── seafile.log
            │   ├── seahub.log
            │   └── seahub_django_request.log
            ├── seafile-data
            ├── seahub
            │   └── media 
            └── seahub-data
    • The folder seafile/seahub/media must be shared with Apache/nginx when running in FASTCGI mode
  • Environment variables

    • SERVER_NAME (default is seafile): name of the server

    • SERVER_NAME (default is IP or domain name of the server

    • FASTCGI (default is false): If true or True then run seafile in fastcgi mode

    • MYSQL_SERVER (required): MySQL/Maria DB Server name or ip, could be the name of the database service in docker-compose.yml file.

    • MYSQL_PORT (default is 3306): port used by the database server

    • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD (required): root user is needed by Seafile to create its own databases

    • MYSQL_USER (required): MYSQL user used by Seafile

    • MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD (required): password for MYSQL_USER

    • CCNET_DB (default is ccnet-db): name of the database for CCNET

    • SEAFILE_DB (default is seafile-db): name of the database for Seafile

    • SEAHUB_DB (default is seahub-db): name of the database for CCNET

    • SEAFILE_ADMIN (required): email for the admin account

    • SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD (required): password for the admin account

docker-compose.yml example

version: '2'
    image: sabaitech/seafile
    container_name: seafile
     - "8000:8000"
     - "8082:8082"
     - FASTCGI=true
     - MYSQL_SERVER=mariadb
     - MYSQL_USER=seafile
     - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=passw0rd!
     - ./seafile:/home/seafile
     - mariadb

    image: mariadb:10.1
    container_name: mariadb
     - "3306:3306"
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=passw0rd!
      - MYSQL_USER=seafile
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=test
      - ./mysql/db:/var/lib/mysql

and just run docker-compose up -d

Restoring a previous installation

If you already have a previous installation of Seafile server (including non docker installation) and want to use this image you just have to:

  1. Put conf, logs, seafile-data directories in the associated volume
  2. Run docker-compose up -d

Upgrading Seafile server

To upgrade the current version of Seafile server, you just have to run the following command:

      docker-compose exec seafile upgrade 6.0.8


  • seafile is the name of the service defined in docker-compose.yml file

  • 6.0.8 is the new version


  • Manage SQLite
  • Expose some services like Garbage Collector