How to show Mass instead of Score or top score?
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Hi, im trying to display Mass instead of Score ato top right side..
Actually, i wanna show both, (ex: Mass: 1000 | Score: 10000)
how can i do that?
Thank you :)
If i remeber right, score is mass * mass; But you would need edit the 'server' to send it, rather then one or the other, or even send both. So in that you would need customize your game server and client.
back then, i use other client rather than your version, but your version is a lot better than the previous i use, i can just do this
scoreText.setValue('Score:[' + ~~(userScore / 100) + '] Mass:[' + ~~(calcUserScore() / 100) + '] EXP:[+' + ~~(userScore / 100 / 5 / 2) + ']');
in this case, calcUserScore is the Mass or moving part of the score, or something like that,,,
but when i try to do the same thing, i got lost :(
(umm, not exact same thing, just something similar~)
im still stuck at this, please help me
Could also cycle trough all 'your nodes' to get the mass as in client there an my_noded array, so just get the .size from all your owned nodes and you would have the Mass 👿
i still confusing how to apply it.. 😢