Jarbas Skills Repo

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This is my personal skills repository, this is used by JarbasSkillsManager to install new skills

It is basically a personal version of the official mycroft skills repo

This is aimed at jarbas-core, but should work just fine in mycroft


  • core - core skills in every platform
  • common - common skills to every platform
  • desktop - skills that require desktop platform (assumed to be default platform)
  • kde - skills that require kde
  • mycroft_mark_1 - skills that require mycroft_mark1
  • picroft - skills that require picroft
  • jarbas - skills that require jarbas-core

Adding a skill

create a pull request, add to/create "common_3rd_party.txt" file, alphabetical order please!

my_skill_name , my_github_url

or if you don't provide the url, the official skills repo will be searched for my_skill_name and url extracted from there

my_skill_name , 

if the skill requires a platform add it to "platform_name_3rd_party.txt" instead

Interacting with this repo

install JarbasSkillsManager

pip install py_msm

do whatever you want

from py_msm import JarbasSkillsManager

jsm =JarbasSkillsManager()

# jsm = JarbasSkillsManager(skills_config={"directory":"some/test/path"})

print jsm.platform
print jsm.default_skills
print jsm.list_skills()
print jsm.url_info("https://github.com/JarbasAl/skill-stephen-hawking")
print jsm.name_info("date time")
jsm.remove_by_name("stephen hawking")