
pentesting architecture built with tmux and love

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


What is it?

Scylla is a tool built on Tmux and Tmuxinator to orchestrate and automate testing of internal networks.

Tmux can be used to run simultaneous terminal commands and organize testing under a single SSH session. Tmuxinator allows for automatically setting up those windows and running commands. Scylla is the glue that binds them together to organize and automate the pentesting experience.

Through an advanced configuration, it is possible to prepare and execute tools and commands in an exact manner- which would allow testers to focus on the interesting portions of their work and spend less time manually enumerating.

For testing sensitive systems or utilizing potentially dangerous tools (common examples are zerologon, Eternal Blue, and BlueKeep), we instead use Scylla to help organize and prepare the commands ahead of time. The tester remains in control the whole time!

Additionally, as a large history can be kept when organizing testing through Tmux, we have established automatic logging in order to avoid any potential loss of data. This is also highly beneficial in the instance that a client wishes to understand exactly what commands were ran, or in the occasion that a tester's access to the testing device will be cut off but they wish to review the exact steps of testing for reporting purposes.

Tmux: A terminal tool used to concurrently run and switch between several programs in one terminal.

Tmuxinator: Tool used to create and manage Tmux sessions automatically.

  • Tmuxinator uses YAML files to organize and create Tmux sessions

Automated vs Manual

To help avoid surprises - below is a comprehensive list of what is ran automatically vs manually at various stages, and what steps need to happen before the start of each stage.


  • Note - this scan expects only two files: /<rootDir>/ipList.txt and /<rootDir>/exclude.txt. Both can be formatted as any typical nmap/masscan input file.
  • Manual:
    • masscan, portsort, setting DC
  • Automatic:
    • locating DC (/etc/resolv, dig, nmap)
    • validate device IP
    • preparing all other Scylla commands
    • install and configuring tmux, pipenv, dnsrecon, smbmap, docker, and msf db


  • Note - this stage expects a masscan to have been ran and then the portsort utility having created a directory under /<rootDir>/scans/Lists AND for a DC or multiple DCs to have been set under /<rootDir>/dcIP.txt.
  • Manual:
    • nmap, asreproast, zerologon
  • Automatic:
    • dnsrecon, anon ftp, snmp, IPMI ciphers, smb, enum4linux, coercAuth, bluekeep, eternalblue, ldap signing check, timeroasting


  • Note: This step requires the Nessus license key as well as the masscan/portsort/dcIP.txt from the InitScan.
  • Manual:
    • prepare command to validate credentials
  • Automatic:
    • prepares msf, start gowitness, start nessus


  • Note: Beyond the standard masscan/portsort/dcIP.txt, this section REQUIRES valid domain credentials. Use the ValidateCreds window in Misc to verify that the credentials are correct- otherwise you may potentially lock out the account.
  • Manual:
    • samTheAdmin exploit
    • auth'd ASREProast
  • Automatic:
    • enumerate SMB shares (netexec/crackmapexec, smbmap, dumpsterdiver)
    • enumerate LDAP (ldapdomaindump, getADUsers, ldap signing, get user desc, check MAQs, ldap-checker)
    • kerberoasting, findDelegations
    • samTheAdmin check
    • bloodhoud
    • ADCS (netexec/crackmapexec, certipy)
    • PetitPotam, PrintNightmare, GPP passwords


  • Requires account credentials with local administrative privileges.
  • Manual:
    • secretsdump, passTheHash, lsassy, DonPAPI

Get started / Installation

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JaredStemper/Scylla/main/scyllaConfig.sh --clobber -o $(pwd)/scyllaConfig.sh --insecure && /bin/bash $(pwd)/scyllaConfig.sh

Overview of files

tmuxinator - where the magic happens. Full guide will be included in separate word doc. main thing to remember is order (init-scan, unauthd, misc, authd, local-admin)

scyllaConfig.sh - script to pull and organize all the files for this project into the testing device automatically.

prefillTest.py - python script that grabs text and places it onto the command line so that the user can choose to modify it or more carefully track it's runtime.

tmux.conf - the default tmux configurations are somewhat lacking. This helps bridge the gap and adds a lot of power to tmux usage. (highly recommended to read through and understand all capabilities).

tmuxSessionHistoryCapture.sh - script used to periodically log all data currently found in the tmux server. This is especially useful when finishing a project and needing the ability to review every command that was ran once a testing device is disconnected from the client network.

Learning Tmux

classic guide is tmuxcheatsheet.com.

Note: A provided Tmux configuration file is automatically provided for quality of life / ease of access (found here). It is strongly recommended to read through the provided configuration file.

Pro tips:

  • The prefix key with default config is Ctrl+b
    • For example: prefix : would be pressing Ctrl and b, then once you see the prefix indicator in the bottom left you can let go and press : to activate the keybind.
  • Any command listed below starting with : is typed through the prefix : command prompt
    • tab completion can be used if you don't recall the exact name of a command (e.g., ":kill-server" can be found from tabbing ":kill")
  • prefix w: view all panes, windows, and sessions. Use vim bindings or mouse to quickly switch (h j k l + enter)
  • Panes
    • prefix v: split pane vertically
    • prefix s: split pane horizontally
    • alt + r newName or select-pane -T "newName": rename current pane
    • prefix enter: cycle through all standard pane formatting (useful to quickly resize)
    • prefix { or prefix }: swap pane locations either right or left (useful in changing the pane you're focusing on without hiding the other pane)
    • prefix z: Zoom! used as a way to "fullscreen" a pane without saving that formatting. The active pane will fill the screen until you shift to another pane or press prefix z again
    • Use the mouse to click to other panes as well as resize any panes
    • prefix ctrl+arrow key (two separate key strokes): while holding the ctrl key, rapidly hitting the arrow key will more rapidly change the size of a pane
    • click+drag mouse cursor on the line of a pane: can be used to manually
    • :break-pane: used to "break" a pane out of its current window and become a new window
  • Windows
    • prefix c: new window
    • prefix ,: rename window
    • Use the shift + arrow key to move to other windows quickly
    • Use the mouse to click to other windows
    • prefix windowIndex: go to specific window. e.g., prefix 2 will go straight to the window at index 2
    • prefix b: go to previously open window (useful when popping between two different windows often)
    • :swap-window -t targetIndex: swaps the place of two windows (using the current window as the one being swapped with and the targetIndex as the target)
      • e.g., :swap-window -t 3 will swap the place of the current window, such as a window with index 1, with the window at index 3
  • Sessions
    • prefix (: shift to next session (e.g., from initScan to unauth)
    • prefix ): shift to prior session
    • prefix e: set current session path to current pane path (useful if constantly in a different directory and wanting to open up new windows/panes in that new directory)
    • prefix d: detach from current session. Now you will be back directly on the terminal and tmux will be running in the background
    • tmux attach: if a tmux sesison is running in the background and you wan to re-attach to it, type this into the command line
    • :kill-session: ran on command line to kill the current session
  • :kill-server: ran on command line to kill all tmux sessions (useful at end of assessment)
  • Copy/Paste
    • Regular Clipboard
      • shift + mouse will highlight things you can use the classic ctrl+shift+c to copy/paste
    • Tmux Clipboard
      • Using your mouse to highlight text automatically copies whatever is highlighted to your Tmux clipboard
      • prefix [: enter copy mode to more carefully copy items
        • Use vim key bindings to move cursor; use spacebar to start selection;
        • Use either y to copy and stay in copy mode (useful if in large text files) or enter to copy and exit copy mode
      • prefix ]: paste the last item copied from copy mode
      • prefix =: view all items copied in copy mode (useful to quickly paste various IPs/passphrases)
  • Misc
    • prefix r or :source-file ~/.tmux.conf: to reload the tmux configuration file automatically
      • The only other way to reload the tmux configuration would be to :kill-server and then restart it, which forces tmux to source the configuration file at ~/.tmux.conf
    • prefix ctrl+s: synchronize panes so that any key typed will type on all panes in the current pane. This is most often useful when running multiple commands that expect the sudo password or when closing multiple panes at once with exit

Later TODO:

  • Add instructions for envs that can't hit internet
  • Organizing all port/IP information through the Metasploit DB instead of text files
  • provide advanced details of how to read/edit configuration files