
Issue on whitelist management

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Steam Username


What happened?

When attempting to load the Activity section of a whitelist job, you are met with a "Oh no! Something went wrong." error on the website. (This was tested with the Casino but other jobs have the same issue)

Expected result

Data loads and you can view the activity

Reproduction steps

  1. Open the website
  2. View whitelist job
  3. Attempt to open activity page but met with a "Oh no! Something went wrong." error



Additional information


This happens when you try to access the 'manage' portion directly. If you navigate through the whitelist home and to management it is fine.

No matter how many times or any refreshing we do it will always come up with the same error making it impossible for us to track activity within our whitelist properly. https://streamable.com/jiaz7x

This happens when you try to access the 'manage' portion directly. If you navigate through the whitelist home and to management it is fine.

No matter what we try, the same issue is encountered like Rhaena said.
And I know @matthom66 has the same issue with D8 too.

Yeah D8 has been having this issue for over 2 months now. I have also heard that Flight school and BCSO are both having the issue as well.
