Jiawei Lu

Stay hungry, stay fullish

Greetings! I'm a graduate student majors in computer science and software engineering at the State Key Lab of CAD&CG, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University. My conductor is Dr.Kun Zhou. Prior to that, I spent four years at Zhejiang University, where I received a bachelor's degree in computer science.

My research interests:

  • Computer graphics
  • Multimedia



Paper Reading

I'm full of interest in doing survey on the latest progress of my research area. It's just like having a big meal while reading a good paper. Attended the 4th CCF Big Data conference in 2016.


Although not a native speaker, but I love English. I can talk freely with foreigners.

  • TOEFL score of 99.
  • Cet-6 score of 559.


I've passed all of the exams in my college and got high scores on most of them. I'd like to bulid apps and systems on my own, and try to make them look nice and easy to use.

  • Built an On-line Chatting system based on HTML and JavaScript on my third year of undergraduate.
  • Group working, producing a stock trading system based on javascript and python.
  • Bulid a Wechat applet of adding mask to user's avatar on the 2018 openning ceremony of graduate students.
  • Built a ray-tracing system on the course of Computer Graphics and got pretty nice output.
  • implemetation of paper "Dance with Melody: An LSTM-autoencoder Approach to Music-oriented Dance Synthesis"


Master at Zhejiang University (2017.9 to 2020.3)

Software engineering
  • Curious and passionate about code.

  • Fast, independent learner

  • OOP, Shell, Script

  • Windows/ Linux

  • C/C++, Python

  • Pytorch, Tensorflow

  • Student Union, Group Leader

Bachelor at Zhejiang University (2013.9 to 2017.7)

Computer Science
  • GPA: 4.07 / 5.0
  • Student union, Group Member
  • Zhejiang College Students Competition on Physics, 2nd prize, 2014
  • "Future Leader Star" honor of 2017 graduates. 8 / 250

Beilun High School (2010.9 to 2013.7)

  • Highest score of Science college entrance examination in Beilun, Ningbo City, 2013.
  • National Highschool Math competition, 1st prize in Zhejiang, 2012
  • National Highschool Chemistry competition, 2nd prize in Zhejiang, 2012