
Still the same problem

Closed this issue · 2 comments

          still can't install
INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /home/user/git_repo/HyprPanel/build
ninja: Entering directory `/home/user/git_repo/HyprPanel/build'
[1/1] Generating hyprpanel_bundle with a custom command
FAILED: hyprpanel.js
/usr/bin/ags bundle --define 'DATADIR="/usr/share/hyprpanel"' --root /home/user/git_repo/HyprPanel /home/user/git_repo/HyprPanel/app.ts hyprpanel.js
Error: unknown flag: --root
  ags bundle [entryfile] [outfile] [flags]

  bundle app.ts my-shell -d "DATADIR='/usr/share/my-shell'"

  -d, --define stringArray   replace global identifiers with constant expressions
  -h, --help                 help for bundle
  -p, --package              use astal package as defined in package.json

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

if I change the build command without the root parameter, it reports the same error from the beggining of the issue

Originally posted by @adriancuevas99 in #648 (comment)

Remove you aylurs-gtk-shell-git and try again.

yay -Rns aylurs-gtk-shell-git

it worked, thank you