
Error extracting player bios

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm having a trouble trying to extract player bios.
The Code:

hazard_bio <- tm_player_bio(player_url = "https://www.transfermarkt.com/eden-hazard/profil/spieler/50202")

The error:
Error in dplyr::mutate():
ℹ In argument: date_of_birth = .tm_fix_dates(.data[["date_of_birth"]]).
Caused by error in .data[["date_of_birth"]]:
! Column date_of_birth not found in .data.
Run rlang::last_trace() to see where the error occurred.

Thanks a lot.

same here

@pacoca43 @MioMio99

Can you please confirm the version of worldfootballR that you are on?

I patched a fix a few weeks ago. Make sure you install the latest version from GitHub.

My version of worldfootballR is Thanks

This was fixed in the latest update (

Install the latest version from GitHub and that should solve your problems.

Fixed. Thanks for your help and sorry.