cookies are not stored
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zhenkuncua commented
In, this is the code that obtains an HTTPClient
OkHttpClient client;
if(options.has("timeout")) {
Object timeout = options.get("timeout");
if(timeout instanceof Long) {
client = ((Launcher)context.getApplicationContext()).getHttpClient((long)timeout);
} else if (timeout instanceof String){
Long timeout_int = Long.parseLong((String)timeout);
client = ((Launcher)context.getApplicationContext()).getHttpClient(timeout_int);
} else {
client = ((Launcher)context.getApplicationContext()).getHttpClient(0);
} else{
client = ((Launcher)context.getApplicationContext()).getHttpClient(0);
This is the getHttpClient method in
if(timeout > 0) {
return new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.writeTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
} else {
return new OkHttpClient.Builder().build();
And this is the code that builds a default OkHttpClient()
dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
eventListenerFactory = EventListener.factory(EventListener.NONE);
proxySelector = ProxySelector.getDefault();
cookieJar = CookieJar.NO_COOKIES;
socketFactory = SocketFactory.getDefault();
hostnameVerifier = OkHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE;
certificatePinner = CertificatePinner.DEFAULT;
proxyAuthenticator = Authenticator.NONE;
authenticator = Authenticator.NONE;
connectionPool = new ConnectionPool();
dns = Dns.SYSTEM;
followSslRedirects = true;
followRedirects = true;
retryOnConnectionFailure = true;
connectTimeout = 10_000;
readTimeout = 10_000;
writeTimeout = 10_000;
pingInterval = 0;
So it would seem that cookies will not be persistent, and session will not be handled properly if cookie based session is used.