
Send message from web containers to the parent app

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently web containers are a one way thing. You cannot call a Jasonette action from inside web container, for example.

Making this two-way could be helpful.

WebView sending "Jason" to parent app, could probably trigger new view and same flow; Doing a data messaging back and forth would need a different approach.

@copongcopong great point, I was thinking about just starting out with implementing actions. It's still just idea stage though. Trying to think of some critical use cases.

jxsp commented

I will be watching this issue, as I mentioned this is pretty useful for me - but I agree that use cases should be critical, will let you know if I know some very specific ones (too late at night to think about that right now :)). Checking out the other issues now to see if there is something that I can help out with over the weekend.

This feature is coming soon. Just updating here with a bit of more info on how it's implemented so we can document it:

This feature allows a web container to reach outside of its own sandbox and call its parent Jasonette native app's JASON actions, simply by calling:

JASON.call(/****JASON ACTION****/)

from its javascript. You just need to pass the same action JSON as an argument. Here's an example:

  "type": "html",
  "text": "<html><script>var t= {name: 'cat'}; JASON.call({trigger:\"add\",options:t})</script></html>"

Another example:

  "type": "html",
  "text": "<html><script>JASON.call({type:\"$util.alert\",options:{title: 'alert', description: 'this is an alert'}})</script></html>"

screen shot 2017-08-07 at 11 46 55 am

This is part 1 of the full IPC architecture as it addresses only the webcontainer ==> Jasonette direction communication.

The part 2, which is the opposite direction (Jasonette ==> web container), is much more complicated and involves introduction of multiple APIs since it needs ways to describe how to:

  1. Identify each web container component with a unique identifier
  2. Keep track of all the web containers that can be messaged
  3. Dispatch a Javascript function call to only the intended web container

Part 1 is already useful for many cases and it looks like Part 2 will take some time to figure out, which is why it's broken down into two parts. The part 2 will be a separate PR.