
Machine Learning for categorizing short text

Primary LanguagePython


Average Joe Tweet Classification was originally modified based on Tweet-Classifier as part of a term project, Average Joe [not published], a composite profile (includes a morphed face, sentiment and interests analysis) generator based on Twitter and Instagram public data

Average Joe Tweet Classification focuses on the class label of a text, meaning the related topic(s) based on the content. For example, suppose the input tweet is “I love tacos and burgers”, the program should recognizes and outputs a label called “Food”. Ultimately, the system will analyze all tweets and identify the strongest interest per profile.

Text Classification/ Topic

Paras' project scrapes relevant tweets based on keywords in six fields, such as “Business”, “Politics” and “Technology”. These keyboards are essentially the label for a text category. He also provided three classifier options - Linear SVC, Naive Bayes (MB), and Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) from sklearn. With his testing result, Multinomial Naive Bayes produces the highest testing accuracy - 78%.

We expanded topics to the following:

  • technology
  • business
  • politics
  • entertainment
  • sports
  • health
  • gaming
  • food
  • fashion
  • music


  • numpy
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • nltk
    • nltk.download('stopwords')
    • nltk.download('punkt')
  • punkt




  1. Crawling and filtering data

default 500 tweets per category, filtered. You may also use the fetch_script to crawl all 10 categories and filter them.

python3 tweep.py python3 filter_tweets.py Sample_Tweet

  1. Training Classifier

The trained model will be store under data/models

python3 train.py

  1. Classifying Text

import the classifier along with copying the trained model in another program

from classify_tweet import Classifier OR Test run pre-trained model python3 run_classification.py Sample_Run
