
an http server meant to be accessed RESTfully from other Sindome servers (like the MOO). Uses node-gossiphaus to connect to Grapevine Network.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Very rough http proxy for communicating with Grapevine from a MUD/MOO. Uses the gossiphaus NPM module to communicate with gossip and listens on an http port for commands from the MUD/MOO. run with Node.js 8.x

  1. cp config/template.js config/<configname>.js

  2. vi config/<configname>.js

  3. (enter your details, ESC:wq to save)

  4. export NODE_ENV=<configname>

  5. npm start

config keys to edit:

  • http.port - the http port your MUD/MOO will talk to send messages to gossip
  • debug - set to true for moar logging info
  • utf8 - if false or missing, will strip non ASCII characters.
  • gossip.client_id
  • gossip.client_secret
  • gossip.channels - gossip channels this proxy will relay to the MUD/MOO
  • ban.path - this file will be monitored for changes every ban.interval milliseconds (expected format of each line: name@game|||whatever)
  • who.path - this file will be monitored for changes every who.interval milliseconds (expected fields: Name , idle_seconds, is_ic, bit, who_hidden, profile, object, connection_host, session_token, wow, separated by ::)
  • moo.host - where your MUD/MOO is hosted
  • moo.port - what port your MUD/MOO listens for machine requests (might be your main port)
  • moo.secret - a token value that shows your trusted to send a machine request to the MUD/MOO
  • moo.commands - each of these is a command your MUD/MOO needs to support from unauthenticated users. When a command is sent, the first parameter will be the moo.secret defined in your config file.

MUD/MOO command format:

RECEIVE_BROADCAST: ${config.moo.commands.RECEIVE_BROADCAST} ${MOO_SECRET} "${payload.channel}" "${payload.name}@${payload.game}" ${msg}

RECEIVE_TELL: ${config.moo.commands.RECEIVE_TELL} ${MOO_SECRET} "${payload.from_game}" "${payload.from_name}" "${payload.to_name}" ${msg}

PLAYER_SIGNIN: ${config.moo.commands.PLAYER_SIGNIN} ${MOO_SECRET} "${payload.name}@${payload.game}"

PLAYER_SIGNIN: ${config.moo.commands.PLAYER_SIGNOUT} ${MOO_SECRET} "${payload.name}@${payload.game}"

RESTful API exposed:

/v1/channels/send/: POST JSON

body parameter: payload={ name, message, channel }