
influxable ORM for influxdb2.0

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Is there a plan to add support for influxdb2.0?

Is there a plan to add support for influxdb2.0?


I already added the integration with OSS 2.0 with the environment variable INFLUXDB_AUTH_TOKEN but it is experimental because the original influxdb api limits some config commands.

Basically there are no more DBs in OSS 2.0, there are 'Buckets' instead so i guess this are breaking changes for the API isn't it?


Basically there are no more DBs in OSS 2.0, there are 'Buckets' instead so i guess this are breaking changes for the API isn't it?

I added a section in the README.md : "Integration with OSS 2.0 (Experimental)"

When you will create the bucket, you need to create a dbrp which will link the database api v1 with bucket api v2

Hi @ili-shmidt-wib,
I would like to know if you succeed to use dbrp with the section "Integration with OSS 2.0 (Experimental)".
I could add a wrapper in order to simplify this part.

I add our PM discuss about this issues.

error {HTTPError}400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://localhost:8086/write?db=default&precision=ns&consistency=all&retention_policy_name=DEFAULT

From what you see in the code and the error - the url is not aligned with the v2 api


From what i can remember, the problem was not only the url but also the usage of db instead of bucket.


For the creation of the bucket, did you read and try with the README section "Integration with OSS 2.0 (Experimental) ?

influx bucket create --name default

Create the dbrp (link database api v1 with bucket api v2)

influx v1 dbrp create --db default --rp default --bucket-id 4688727b9c388f5f --default