
Many Line Charts in Table View

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Heyo guys
First of all : Awesome Project ๐Ÿ‘
However I have run into a problem. I use your Line Charts in a Tableview where each row should have its own line Chart. This gets rather laggy. Any idea on fixing this ?
(I am reusing cell btw.)

Thanks for your input

Go ahead and check out this demo project -> https://github.com/Jawbone/spark-friends-ios

How many cells are in your table? How often are you calling reload? etc.

There are about 40 Graphs. I'll check tomorrow how often they get reloaded.
Thanks for your suggestion. Will check it out.


So i got down to it :
i've got 7 line per graph and i think the amount of line per graph is the problem.
The reason I need so many lines is i want to have a line for every Y-value. Is there a way to achieve that without causing the table to lag ?

(Just to clarify : Lag is caused by the amount of times one of the linechartview functions is called (for example the verticalValueForHorizontalIndex))