feat: Kronecker kernel + computation
daniel-dodd opened this issue · 2 comments
daniel-dodd commented
Following the integration of CoLA (#370). It would be great to add a Konecker Kernel + computation.
from gpjax.kernels import CombinationKernel, RBF
# Code inherits from CombinationKernel or ProductKernel
class Kronecker(CombinationKernel):
kernels: Sequence[AbstractKernel] = None
compute_engine: AbstractKernelComputation = static_field(KronckerKernelComputation())
def __post_init__(self):
... # check influence of the Kernel across each dimension
# or set of dimensions is separable (active dims)
# Demo
k1 = RBF(active_dims=0)
k2 = RBF(active_dims=1)
kron_kern = Kronecker([k1, k2])