
Developing a 3rd Person Controller is really hard and takes too much time, so we developed this awesome template so you can set up a character controller for android in less than 10 seconds, leaving space for you to focus on making your game!

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Developing a 3rd Person Controller is really hard and takes too much time, so we developed this awesome template so you can set up a character controller for android in less than 10 seconds, leaving space for you to focus on making your game! This Assets are designed to work as a quick start into prototyping and developing character controllers for various game genres, using systems and methods that are easy to build and expand upon for different projects.

Third Person Controller package includes:

A Third Person Armature character controller, fully rigged and animated using a Humanoid rig with guns A Third Person Capsule character controller Playground Scene and level prototyping Prefabs Triplanar shaders for quick prototyping (Built-in + ShaderGraph for URP/HDRP)=(you need to convert pipeline) UI Canvas overlays for mobile (Joystick and Touch Zone)

it's best for shooting android games

how to install

  1. download .unitypackage

In Unity, navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package...

Using the file browser, navigate to where the asset package is stored on your computer

Click on the Package, then click the Open button

You will see an Import Screen with the option to select/deselect assets to import

Click the Import Button

Check the Project Window, there you will find your imported assets from the package

and joy your time

read pdf manual for more info.

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