
peerDependencies angular/core: 2.0.0

oleg-sevenval opened this issue ยท 5 comments

npm always yells at me because I have a not matching peer dependency in my package.json. Is there a particular reason why you have set the peerDependence to the exact version of angular/core 2.0.0? Why not with the caret or tilde prefix?

Hi. I've got some cleaning up to do to move the module to the latest recommendations for angular-cli. I'll leave this open and change the dependencies for the next version.

Sounds good, thanks ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Is there any ETA on when the next version is going to come out? Im trying to use this module with 2.4.3 and up and i cant. Thanks

The peer dependencies are removed as of version 5.0.0. It makes it easier to maintain and I can't imagine many people trying to use the package without Angular x installed.

There isn't too much I can do to control the change control in a directive. In the parent component you could the change detection strategy to OnPush to reduce the number of time ngAfterViewChecked gets called (see here for more information).