
Please add the 'sales_response.csv' file to enable your results to be replicated

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Jason, thank you for the code. Would you please include your 'sales_response.csv' into the repository so that your results can be replicated exactly ahead of working with my own examples. Thank you.

Yeah, that would be nice 👍

M4XMU3 commented

+1 as testing the script creates errors in combination with my CSV.

As a fix for my specific problem i switched to reading my CSV via panda:

import panda as pd
# sep = seperator in CSV file
your_variable = pd.read_csv('your-csv-here.csv', sep=';')

+1 as testing the script creates errors in combination with my CSV.

As a fix for my specific problem i switched to reading my CSV via panda:

import panda as pd
# sep = seperator in CSV file
your_variable = pd.read_csv('your-csv-here.csv', sep=';')

For me this worked:

loader = CSVLoader(file_path="test_app/sales_response.csv", encoding='cp1252')