
App written by GithubCoPilot extentsion to show jokes inspired by George Carlin

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Github CoPilot GPT3 Joker

App written by Github CoPilot extentsion to show jokes inspired by George Carlin and other comedians

To Run

  • Clone this repo.
  • Next, you need to deploy a firebase function found in the functions folder.
  • Then add this URL to the the JOKE_API_URL property in the bottom of index.ts. Next run the npm build command. Finally you can click on the index.html to run the app locally.

Read more

Learn more about this app, how it was made as well as how to use it at Discourse Digital https://discoursedigital.com/blog/digital-discourse-2/first-opinions-on-github-copilot-my-new-ai-pair-programmer-53