My personal scripts for Greasemonkey Feel free to clone, steal, rewrite, destroy or claim them as your own
Hoodsuite is pretty damn awesome..until you link it to Facebook and realize how many friends you have that are hooked on those silly apps, and spam your damn feed with the latest badge they got in Toy-Kicker; or all those girls who you thought were respectable individuals, who happen to have a profile picture of her and her latest boyfriend kissing at full-zoom in closeup.
TL;DR: some people on fb are kind of annoying..
This script removes those annoying parts of your friends on Fb, and only keeps the good
add script to Greasemonkey & link to your Dashboard
Do this if you want to block someones pic:
fb_user_images=[...]; contains the userid's of users who's profile-pics you do not want to see (eg. girls making out, guys half-naked); right click the user profile pic, Inspect Element and you'll find userid="user|******" with the number there
Warning: Do NOT tell these people that you've added them to this list...they may not take it so lightly