
Accept `wait_for_callable` timeout value as a parameter in the container fixture factory.

recursive-beast opened this issue ยท 16 comments

Currently, the container factory is only using the default timeout value, which is 30 secs as specified in the wait_for_callable signature.

Using this conftest.py , I get ContainerNotReady exceptions and all tests fail (sometimes some off them pass if the container becomes ready before the timeout occurs) :

import socket

from pytest_docker_tools import container, wrappers

class RabbitMQContainer(wrappers.Container):
    def ready(self):
        """Called until it returns True"""
        if super().ready():
            return self.is_port_open(5672)
        return False

    def is_port_open(self, port: int) -> bool:
        """Check if the port is open in the container."""
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            s.connect((self.ips.primary, int(port)))
            return True
            return False

rabbitmq = container(

I tried with the rabbitmq:alpine , all tests pass since it starts faster than rabbitmq:management-alpine

Jc2k commented

It's been a while since i looked at this code but I'd take a PR that did a kwargs.pop('timeout', 30) in container() - if you are in there playing with the code it might be quickest if you tried it?

@Jc2k I have created the pull request, just thought that i should remind you just in case you didn't see a notification ๐Ÿ˜„

Jc2k commented

Thanks @soufyakoub - i'll try and remember how to do a release to pypi, its been a while :-)

Jc2k commented

0.2.1 is out - let me know if it works for you!


It works but i made a really bad mistake in the code that raises TypeError in the raw container :

TypeError: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeout'

How do i approach this ? a new branch or a new commit on the wait_for_callable_timeout ?

Jc2k commented

You just need to pop from kwargs earlier. Could you try something like this and if it works do another PR:

def container(request, docker_client, wrapper_class, **kwargs):
    ''' Docker container: image={image} '''

    timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 30)

    kwargs.update({'detach': True})

    raw_container = docker_client.containers.run(**kwargs)
    request.addfinalizer(lambda: raw_container.remove(force=True) and raw_container.wait(timeout=10))

    wrapper_class = wrapper_class or Container
    container = wrapper_class(raw_container)

        wait_for_callable('Waiting for container to be ready', container.ready, timeout)
    except TimeoutError:
        raise ContainerNotReady(container, 'Timeout while waiting for container to be ready')

    return container

@Jc2k I submitted the pull request.
My first contribution to a real open source project had to be a mess up LOL, sorry about that.

Maby later, but should i make timeout a positional argument with a default value of 30 and document it in the README.md ?

Jc2k commented

No worries about the error! I should have tested it properly - but didn't have time.

it would be really great if you could update the docs indeed!

Should i open a new issue for it ?

@Jc2k It looks like you forgot to update the package in the python package repository, i tried reinstalling it from my end , and i received the version with the TypeError.

Jc2k commented

I'm away from the machine with the packaging tools on, was going to release a bit later.

Oh ok, then i should start working on the documentation part, that way you release only once

Jc2k commented

Will try and do the release this evening or first thing tomorrow morning

OK, take your time. That's what i learned from this contribution ๐Ÿ˜†

Hello @Jc2k,
I'm here to remind you about republishing your package due to the issue I introduced before, no one wants to install your package and then get an error when trying to create a container fixture.

Jc2k commented

Oops! Thanks for the reminder! Had totally 100% forgotten ๐Ÿ˜Š Released now. And thanks again for your help with this.