0g Data Avalability Encoder

This project is a 0g data availability module that handles mathematical computations, including encoding logic, verification logic, and public parameters for the encoding cryptographic protocol.


  • parallel: Uses parallel algorithms for computations, maximizing CPU resource utilization.
  • cuda: Uses GPU for computations, applicable only on platforms with NVIDIA GPUs.

Note: GPU support is currently tested with NVIDIA 12.04 drivers on the RTX 4090. Other NVIDIA GPUs may require parameter adjustments and have not been tuned yet.


Install Rust

Ensure you have curl installed.

Run the following command to install Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

After installation, add the cargo bin directory to your PATH environment variable:

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Verify the installation:

rustc --version

Install other dependencies

# Install Protocol Buffers Compiler
sudo apt-get install -y protobuf-compiler

# Install a specific nightly Rust toolchain and rustfmt
rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-02-04-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup component add --toolchain nightly-2024-02-04-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu rustfmt

# Add the necessary Rust target
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Install CUDA (for GPU feature)

Ensure you have an NVIDIA GPU with the required drivers. Then following the instruction from CUDA Toolkit.

Verify the installation:

nvcc --version

Building Public Parameters

The public parameters for the cryptographic protocol are built in two steps:

Download and process the perpetual power of tau

The perpetual power of tau project is a cryptographic ceremony launched by Zcash, aimed at reducing the trust risk in trusted setups. The generated parameters from this ceremony are secure unless all participants collude.

We use the challenge_0084 file from the nearly most recent submission.

curl https://pse-trusted-setup-ppot.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/challenge_0084 -o challenge_0084

Build the AMT parameters

The DA encoder uses the AMT protocol described in the paper LVMT. You can either construct these parameters yourself or download pre-built files. The parameters will be placed in ./params. The building process is deterministic, and the sha2sum of generated files is list as follows.

a132ba9fa48c338c478a3e9d7d1cde13d77c6096d3cca1ac28f091315ca58428  amt-prove-coset0-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
6c1d7837e5380ca7e09e1f396b4f8ff3ec546cabcccc7bc65f6439a75a791a80  amt-prove-coset0-mont-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
58ee8752e93408b79f3640d7712f5915213e69b872a3393ac67824d29d95379c  amt-prove-coset1-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
a9f4f6b07a0d66620d652227233c42d12d2726c00f802eadd0e46db68917885a  amt-prove-coset1-mont-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
0f12211c21816a55ef856fc4f22532e4a5f286bb68d7dfec0f8102a224613533  amt-prove-coset2-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
0314657436c124f2b00c7bb4e239dc551ab4f0f732516ad9dd656ec12b091c17  amt-prove-coset2-mont-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
18bb6b7ba10785a79810180ddd27a6d467d2c0e24e6335e5bc95998e02c6a4f6  amt-verify-coset0-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
19b024fed13e0ba60b17184c998dcccf12119b4fd0ab7c46394b8e024e99c48a  amt-verify-coset1-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
5660a89402df7d47885b304b566d92e1c42349744e202d45fc61a0893bd796c9  amt-verify-coset2-5DWgDV-10-20.bin
bc148cd9ce28f65a4bacbe174a232bee426afd32dfce73004ee38ca9afa46059  power-tau-5DWgDV-20.bin

Choice 1: Download the pre-built files. Please make sure you have curl installed, then run the command in the project root directory:


Choice 2: Construct the parameters yourself. Run the following command in the project root directory:

./dev_support/build_params.sh challenge_0084

Running the Server

Run the server with the following command:

cargo run -r -p server --features grpc/parallel,grpc/cuda -- --config run/config.toml

If you do not have a CUDA environment, remove the cuda feature.

DA Encoder will serve on port 34000 with specified grpc interface.

Using the Verification Logic

Add the following to Cargo.toml of your crate:

zg-encoder = { git = "https://github.com/0glabs/0g-da-encoder.git" }

Use the zg_encoder::EncodedSlice::verify function for verifing. You can enable the parallel feature as you need. The cuda feature is not avaliable for the verification process.

Benchmark the Performance

Run the following task

cargo bench -p grpc --features grpc/parallel,grpc/cuda --bench process_data --features zg-encoder/production_mode -- --nocapture

For the first run, it may take some time to build the public params (about 30 minutes on aws g5.4xlarge). Alternatively, you can place the downloaded public params .bin file in the crates/amt/pp directory.

Development and Testing

Run the following script for complete testing:
