
Assingment#1 Dev Mike Lab

Opened this issue · 6 comments

find any free enneagram test, like so:

Take it, report result & team compatibility on your Render server for mike

I'm type no. XYZ
XYZ are good to work on dev teams cuz of their mullets
XYZ need to watch out for talking too much when everyone already gets it.

Here is my edited app.js code

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = process.env.PORT || 5500;

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  <h1>My Enneagram result: Type 9 "Peacemaker"</h1>
  <p>I am Type Nine, which are known as the Peacemaker. I am a  mediator of the group and thrive when helping differing parties resolve conflict. My motivation stems from a desire for peace of mind and fears of experiencing overwhelming strife.</p>
  <p>I can handle difficult conversations and remain level-headed. I am commonly the person people go to when they need a resolution or a second opinion concerning a pressing issue.</p>
  <p>My feelings do not drive them; I have keen instincts that help my teammates gather wisdom to share. I am not confrontational but can navigate conflict to ensure both sides feel understood.</p>

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`mike app listening on port ${port}`)
  • save changes to app.js
$ git add app.js
  • exectute app.js to and verify it is connected.
$ node app.js


  • add feature on app.js uploaded
git commit -m 'Enneagram personality test result (added port binding)'


  • upload on branch iss4
git push --set-upstream origin iss4


  • on render, click [Deploy latest commit] for update


  • verify it is connected successfully to the port

