
Support Composer 2 natively

Closed this issue · 6 comments

After #13, we support both Composer 1 and 2, but we're forced to rely on the forked dependency to do that.

We now could release a new version (1.4?) that would require Composer 2, but drop the dependency. In this way, any consumer of this package could still rely on ^1.0 of this package, without tying to a specific Composer version, but having a smooth upgrade path nonetheless, and dropping the additional dependency as soon as possible.

Released as 1.4.

Reopening, since due to #21 I decided to re-release Composer 2 native support as 2.0

@Jean85 any update to this? The follwing issue of sentry getsentry/sentry-symfony#383 does make me problems for me and errors.

I did not have much time in the last months to work on OSS, sorry.

No problem. I invistigated some more time and I'm not sure if its really on your side the issue I linked, as there are 2 composer autoloader loaded the second one override the first one and that makes the problem, that it can not find the version.

I posted a workaround here: getsentry/sentry-symfony#383 (comment)