
Architect a Blockchain Supply Chain Solution - Part B. Udacity Project, April 2019

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Architect a Blockchain Supply Chain Solution - Part B. Udacity Project, April 2019


This DAPP is for a decentralized approach for certifcation schemes, issuance and verification. Any party can become a Certifier and assign a suitable Authority that can delegate authority of certification



They are also checked in under Documentation directory


Library Version Why used
Truffle 5.0.15 Compile/deploy/test contracts, Ganache for running local test node, Drizzle for React Provider
Solidity 0.5.8 Compile contracts
Node 10.15.3 Build React UI
Web3 1.0.0 (beta 37) Connect UI to EVM
React 16.8.6 User interface

Deployed to RINKEBY


Transaction ID Contract address
0xc36f12497b0d7b51f4351303b17b166c83ec71243dbe56e8d8189d83e9f00381 0xC4c62eE5bcb488ec2069Ee465f77D7B110328622

Example Use Cases

Here are 3 examples to illustrate how this could work:

Authority Certifier Recipient Inspector
Specialty Coffee Association London School Of Coffee Trainee Barista Starbucks Manager
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Pymans Garage Car Owner Insurance company
Oracle Corporation Oracle Certified Professional Database Admin Deutsche Bank HR

A Certifier would probably have a single Authority per Certificate. Many certificates can be awarded from a scheme and potentially many "Inspectors" could request access to view one or more awarded certificates of a recipient

Installation and Local Test

  1. Download App
    git clone https://github.com/stevenhankin/ethereum-dapp-supply-chain.git
    cd ethereum-dapp-supply-chain
  2. Run ganache cli
  3. Install required packages
    npm install && cd client && npm install
  4. From root dir, deploy contracts to network
    truffle compile
    truffle migrate --reset --network development
  5. Start App Server
    cd client
    npm start
  6. Application should now be available on http://localhost:3000


truffle compile
truffle test