Website and branding
davidmurdoch opened this issue · 4 comments
I can donate the first year for, with the condition that happiness moves to a GitHub org. I'd like to see this get adopted over (or as much as) standardjs and think having it under an org could make it look more official, and less like it is your opinion (you may want to get rid of the "Standard customised to make me happy" line in the README).
Thanks for making this!
Hey @davidmurdoch!
I personally would also be willing to help out. Over the past few months I have been thinking about spending more time on this, and I agree with you. We at least need to get this working reliably for an update progress. The last update actually broke some stuff that I have not had time to get working. The issue is that the underlying libraries don't support tabs correctly, which takes like three layers of updates for it to reach here. Which is why I haven't had time to pursue fixing this. Once we get a good update and testing process I think this project can be really reliable and forward compatible.
EDIT: Not that this should stop getting a website and whatever, but we really need to fix the jsx linting and the formatting that used to be supported but was removed from standard.
@wesleytodd, I went ahead and started an org and added you (and @JedWatson) (please let me know if i'm out of line here). If you want to accept the invite i'll add you as Owner's.
Regarding the update difficulties, i'm guessing the issue is more than just configuration for eslint
and the react/jsx-indent*
Thanks @davidmurdoch - I'm all for this!
I've joined the org and will transfer everything across when you've set me up as an owner. I've also registered (thanks for the sponsorship offer, I really appreciate it but am happy to put it under Thinkmill and that way I can easily manage the renewals with other domains we manage)
Awesome guys, it is always good to see more people involved in a project, and an org is a good way to promote that.
@davidmurdoch It has been a little while since I looked at it, but I remember there being a hard coded 2 spaces somewhere. But if you can find a simple configuration setting that works that is awesome as well.