
Error about CLIP installation

hangzhiyiwei opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @Jeeseung-Park ,

Thanks for your nice work!
After I installed the repository step by step and run the inference command
"python --detection-dir hicodet/detections/test2015_upt_vitpose --model-path checkpoints/ "

The error occurs:
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 19, in
from models import VIPLO
File "/home/hzyw/ViPLO/", line 24, in
import clip
File "/home/hzyw/anaconda3/envs/pocket/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clip/", line 1, in
from .clip import *
File "/home/hzyw/anaconda3/envs/pocket/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clip/", line 13, in
from .model import build_model
File "/home/hzyw/anaconda3/envs/pocket/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clip/", line 170, in
linear = _add_docstr(
RuntimeError: function 'linear' already has a docstring

I think it is a problem with the clip. Even, when I only write "import clip", the same error will occur. I don't know what's wrong here. Any reply will be appreciated. Thanks very much.


Sorry for the bug. You can just comment out or delete the linear = _add_docstr( part. We fix the bug and update the repo, so if you clone the repo again, the error will be solved.
Thank you.

Thanks for your reply.