
Flags not displayed correctly

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Flags are not all displayed correctly. You know why?

Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-14 um 17 25 36


Info: i just have got this problem on iOS

Hi Rebar,
This issue is most likely due to unicode characters not being supported on all platforms. This flutter package was developed on android so there may be emoji's included that aren't supported on iOS and therefore display weirdly. I am currently working on a solution to this.

Just wondering, is this issue only found with flags or also with other emojis?

just with Flags :). By the way: i sent you an email. Just wanna thank you :)

@Ahmadre Hi ahmadre can I ask you how you manage to put the emoji keyboard as a keyboard as shown above image?

@kennethlzh2 follow this: and wrap the textfield and the emojipicker in a column :)