
question about nested nested nested JSON

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Hello ! First, thank you for your work :)
I do have a question concerning how to use gabs for nested JSON and I'd like your help.
I have this complicated JSON (from Tumblr API) link_to_json

And I'd like for each post in response.posts, to get the ["tags"] and to get the url from "original_size" from photos.

I actually began to write :

posts_parsed, err := gabs.ParseJSON( getContents(posts_json_url) )
            if err != nil {
                log.Fatal("Error parsing blog JSON !")
                return "json success=false, error="
            posts, _ := jsonParsed.S("response.posts").Children()
            for _, post_ar := range posts {
                post, _ := jsonParsed.S(post_ar).ChildrenMap()
                if post["type"] != "photo" {
                for _,tag_name := range post["tags"] {
                    tags := strings.Split(tag_name, " ")
                    for _,tag_title := range tags {

but I don't know if it's correct.
Would it be possible for you to add a complex JSON iteration in your doc ?
Thank you for your help :D