Salon booking api

This is the repository for the booking API used in the Salon application.

To run the API locally

The API sends requests to a DynamoDB instance called S_BOOKINGS. In order to make the API work locally, make sure to create this instance. Also set up an IAM user with DynamoDB access. Then clone this repo and create a .env file in the root directory, fill with your details


Save the file and create a python virtual environment

python3 -m venv ./venv

Activate the environment, then from the root directory, run this command to install required python libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure NodeJS and Serverless framework are installed and run:

npm install

Then, to run the service:

serverless wsgi serve

The API service is now running on localhost/5000

Interaction with the API

To query all, send a GET request to


To create a new entry, send a POST request to the same address, with a valid json (example)

    "booking_date": "2022-04-15",
    "service": "nails",
    "booking_time": "10AM-11AM",
    "full_name": "Test User",
    "email": ""

To remove an entry, send a DELETE request to

localhost:5000/api/bookings/[id to be deleted]

To update a booking, send a PUT request with valid json

localhost:5000/api/bookings/[id to be updated]