
Efp animation shaking

Closed this issue · 3 comments

when i change color to map object efp file animation shaking even i wont change anything only open file and save ,color its changing and animation start to shaking you can try Particles|map\yellow_oura_b.efp this efp file belong Data|res\mob\season\sc_magic_tower.bsr

I'm sorry, I didn't test this file format enough since I'm not editing effects. I just added support to edit them from @DummkopfOfHachtenduden contribution (

I had a similar report by the way. What I found comparing byte to byte (I mean, old with new file generated) it's the version, because it will be upgraded to the latest version (JMXVEFF 0013) on saving.
Maybe that plays a role on how the client execute it? I don't really know, maybe in a future.

nvm you did realy good job

I've been working around .efp files, editing colors and some stuffs without experiencing any bug.

However the EFP file you mentioned was using an unnexpected value type, probably causing the issue you mentioned. Now the editor exports an identical file (+ but just the version being upgraded.