
prevent close when click outside

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I want to know if there is any way to prevent modal close when click modal outside .

I know I can prevent it like below but it is not good for me because I want to close it with emmited event and this can't do that

  modal.onclose = () => {
    return false;

is there any way ?

@morteza-mortezai Hi.
If it needed right now, u can use config:

import {config} from "jenesius-vue-modal";

    backgroundClose: false

But it will added to all modals.
Or, give me one day, i will add it the same functional just for one modal in library

Also, if u will use config without adding to all modals backgroundClose key, u can try it :

mounted() {
    backgroundClose: false
unmounted() {
      backgroundClose: true

but this is a quick fix - not pretty and doesn't respect modal logic

I will add the third parameter to openModal and pushModal

 openModal(Modal, {}, { backgroundClose: Boolean })

Version 1.5.1

 openModal(Modal, {}, { backgroundClose: false })


const modal = await openModal(Modal);
modal.backgroundClose = false;

In future i will add event to onClose/beforeModalClose/onBeforeModalClose hooks:

modal.onclose = (e: ModalEvent) {
  if (e.background) return false; // Stop closing modal, if user click on background

I will create the task for it.
Thnx you for making this library better!