
Yosemite support

danielrhammond opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey, I was curious on what the intended/expected minimum OS X target is.

The README says the requirements are iOS 7.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+ / Ubuntu 14.10 but when I use Carthage fetch and install Interstellar it results in a framework with minimum deployment target of OS X 10.11

I tried to change the Interstellar.xcodeproj to set a deployment target of 10.10, it builds fine... but I'm wondering whether its just an issue with the .xcodeproj and it should work fine or if the documentation is out of date. Any guidance would be helpful, thanks.

The only requirement for Interstellar is swift support (done in os x 10.9). This seems to be an error in the OS X target. To be honest, I don't use Carthage, so I didn't notice so far. I'll try to fix this asap.

Awesome, thanks a lot for the very-quick response.

I was originally going to just throw up a pull with the original question changing the xcode project file but I couldn't seem to figure out how to run the tests against the OS X framework (works when I select the iOS scheme in Xcode/xcodebuild but not OS X) any advice/pointers on how to do that?

Currently there are no OS X tests at all (os x code is 100% identical to iOS, therefore there are only iOS tests).

Cool, thanks for explanation. Thought I was missing something.

Deployment targets should be correct now in V2.