
Using GPS info in Car

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello JeremBYU,

I am a Master student from TU Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Sorry if this issue if bit offtopic.
I have opened this issue because I see that knew so much about co-ordinated systems and the plugin which you have developed.

About me: I am doing a project where I have to create a custom environment in Unreal engine which look like (see image).

Question 1: Is it possible to Spawn my vehicle at specific GPS position

Question 2: How does your lug in relate to the vehicle that I ma using. I am using Car like vehicle


  1. Yes you can spawn at a specific gps position
  2. I think "lug" was plugin? It looks like my plugin only extended the multirotor client. However the functions it uses are generic and should work with the car Class as well.

I wrote a blog post about this process here.

Maybe it might help?