
My codes in Kaggle houseprice prediction competition

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Kaggle Houseprice Prediction

My codes in Kaggle houseprice prediction competition

Competition description


Ask a home buyer to describe their dream house, and they probably won't begin with the height of the basement ceiling or the proximity to an east-west railroad. But this playground competition's dataset proves that much more influences price negotiations than the number of bedrooms or a white-picket fence.

With 79 explanatory variables describing (almost) every aspect of residential homes in Ames, Iowa, this competition challenges you to predict the final price of each home.



It is your job to predict the sales price for each house. For each Id in the test set, you must predict the value of the SalePrice variable.


Submissions are evaluated on Root-Mean-Squared-Error (RMSE) between the logarithm of the predicted value and the logarithm of the observed sales price. (Taking logs means that errors in predicting expensive houses and cheap houses will affect the result equally.)

Submission File Format

The file should contain a header and have the following format:






You can download an example submission file (sample_submission.csv) on the Data page.

Achivement & Ranking

• Engineered features and developed machine learning models to predict house prices using the Kaggle dataset comprising 79 attributes of homes in Ames, Iowa

• Preprocessed data employing techniques like normalization and missing value imputation to enhance model accuracy

• Experimented with various regression models, including Ridge regression, XGBoost and Random Forest, optimizing for the lowest Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)

• Utilized cross-validation and grid search for hyperparameter tuning to prevent overfitting and ensure generalization of the model

• Created a comprehensive Jupyter Notebook documentation, illustrating exploratory data analysis, model development, and validation process

Models I used:

* Lasso Regression
* Ridge Regression
* Elastic-net Regression
* Decision tree
* Random forest
* XGBoost regressor

Attain 0.13312 rmse, with ranking Top 30%