
Trade Offer Item descriptions not getting loaded in TradeOfferWebAPI.cs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I had a few csgo bots working properly for more than a year. Suddenly 2 days back they stopped working. Debugging the code I found that item descriptions are no longer being loaded by the function GetTradeOffer(string tradeofferid) in TradeOfferWebAPI.cs . Without loading the descriptions we are now unable to get the itemname/market hash name of the items in the trade offer. Any fix for this?

Loopx commented

Add &get_descriptions=1 to the GetTradeOffer request querystring, seems to return it again once you do that.

^ Send a PR for this, if someone else can verify that's correct I'll merge it

Thanks I could get it fixed by adding &get_descriptions=1 to the GetTradeOffer request